
Perhatian : SPAM menyebar di chat FB

Banyak pesan chating mencurigakan, seperti :
"Hey, check out this girl, lol, she must be out of her mind for making that video!: bit.ly/e0wxxW5v"
"OMG: This girl killed herself after her FATHER posted this message on her wall: bit.ly/h09xxxPYX"

karena sepertinya itu malware. sekali lagi, JANGAN DI KLIK.!

Kalo sdah terlajur ya nasib anda lah.. siap2 akun facebook anda dibajak orang. Klo yg udah kena, hapus aja aplikasi yg menurut agan mencurigakan. caranya:
1. Klik [Account] [Privacy Settings]. Anda akan membuka menu “Choose Your Privacy Settings”
2. Klik [Edit your settings] dari menu “Applications and Websites” di pojok kiri bawah untuk membuka menu “Choose Your Privacy Settings > Applications, Games and Websites"
3. Klik [Remove unwanted or spammy applications] untuk membuka layar “Applications, Games and Websites > Applications You Use" dan klik tanda X di sebelah “Edit Settings”
4. Anda akan mendapatkan layar konfirmasi Remove, klik tombol [Remove] untuk menghapus program.

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Posted by Unknown on 20.08. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response